Notice of DEA/OMB/DOJ Scams
If you are a care provider who has recently been sanctioned by a licensing board, please be aware of possible scams attempting to convince you to “settle” claims with them in order to “avoid criminal or civil charges.” I have been contacted by a number of medical providers to represent them in regard to notices or calls received purportedly from OMB investigators, DEA agents and/or DOJ attorneys. The notices I have reviewed all appear legitimate on their face, complete with official seals. The phone numbers appear legitimate. They can also utilize names of real agents or Assistant Attorney Generals. But, the problem is, they always seem to be asking for money to avoid prosecution. Do not be fooled. In my experience, governmental entities are more interested in investigating thoroughly first, and they do not demand cash up front “to avoid prosecution.” If you receive an email, call or notice of any kind from a governmental entity that sounds like this, please contact an attorney so they can review the material and ascertain if it is legitimate. Consider this first before you make contact with the agent. The DEA, OMB and DOJ are well-aware of these scams and will likely understand your reluctance in contacting them, so long as it is reasonable. If not, you have the right to an attorney, regardless of what they expect. Timely review and advice is imperative, however.
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