Sheryl Odems is a civil litigation attorney who defends medical professionals, hospitals, and clinics in medical malpractice and wrongful death actions. Sheryl also assists medical professionals with other legal matters, such as licensing board investigations and non-party testimonial subpoenas in civil and criminal cases.
Boston University School of Law
J.D., Cum laude, 1994
Newcomb College of Tulane University
B.S., Psychology
Hart Wagner LLP
Associate, Portland, OR
Klarquist Sparkman
Attorney, Portland, OR
Phelps Dunbar LLP
Attorney, New Orleans, LA
Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand. Lason & Silberberg, PC
Attorney, New York, NY
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
Attorney, New York, NY
Oregon State Courts
New York State Courts
Southern District of New York
Oregon Bar Association
Multnomah Bar Association
Oregon Association of Defense Counsel
Louisiana Appellate Court Applies Anti-SLAPP statute for First Time
LDRC Libel Letter, February 2002 (co-author)
United States v. Brown: The Striking of an Unconstitutional Prio Restraint, But a Step Backward for Juror Access
LDRC Libel Letter, June 2001 (co-author)
A Broad Gag Order in United States of America v. Brown
LDRC Libel Letter, August 2000 (co-author)
The Right of Access to Judicial Records: Confusion Spawns Hostility?
LDRC Libel Letter, March 2000 (co-author)
The Lesson of the Daiwa Bank Scandal
(Dec. 1995/Jan. 1996), INT’L. COM. LITIG
Knowing the Law: Your Rights and Potential Liabilities
Radio Television News Directors Association Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (2001)
Friends of Lincoln High School
Board of Directors, 2023 – present
Volunteer, 2022 – present
Oregon Hunter Jumper Association
Volunteer, 2024 (Annual Auction)
ACLU of Oregon
Volunteer, 2017 Legislative Session
Oregon Humane Society
Volunteer, 2014 – 2015
French American International School & Gilkey Middle School
Volunteer, 2008 – 2022
Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
Volunteer, 2011 – 2014